Calendar and opening hours

to plan your visit in absolute tranquility and freedom

Calendario aperture 2025

Opening hours

  • opening time: open from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. | closed on Mondays – if not holidays
  • extraordinary opening: all holidays, including Mondays
  • partial openings: high season Mondays, with reduced hours [check first at +39.0763.342.373]
  • Nativity building site: from November 2nd to December 22nd, the caves, although open to visitors, are affected by the Crib in the Well building site
  • The Nativity Scene in the Well: every year, from December 23rd to the Sunday after the Epiphany, on the occasion of the Christmas Crib in the Well, opening everyday from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.
  • annual closing: from Sunday after Epiphany to February 2nd excluded

The ticket office closes at 19,45

different times are available on request

If our opening hours should undergo changes due to force majeure beyond our control, we will try to give timely communication on this site and/or on our social channels